Antti Alanko's debut solo album "Minne mieleni pakenet?" will be released 12th November 2017.

CD & digital available from Bandcamp!
Devil Box album Night Terrors will be released
1st November 2014.

The CD is available from 8raita Record Store
LINK: Night Terrors @ 8raita's webshop
CD & digital now available from Bandcamp!
Devil Box album Ceci n'est pas une guitare was released December 2013.

The CD is available from 8raita Record Store
LINK: Ceci n'est pas une guitare @ 8raita's webshop
CD & digital now available from Bandcamp!
Devil Box digital now available from iTunes!
Listen to the album in Spotify!
Andres Roots Roundabout
Hyvän musiikin klubilla pe 25.1.2013

Vuoden 2013 ensimmäisellä Hyvän musiikin klubilla vieraana ANDRES ROOTS ROUNDABOUT, joka esiintyy suomenkiertueellaan myös Turussa. Illan toinen esiintyjä on DEVIL BOX
Roots on pitkän linjan virolainen slide-kitaristi ja lauluntekijä, joka on levyttänyt mm. L.R.Phoenix, Black River Bluesmanin, Dave Arcarin (UK), Bert Deivertin (USA), Steve Luryn (UK), Bottleneck Johnin (SWE) ja Eric "Red Mouth" Gebhardtin (USA) kanssa ja säestänyt lavalla jopa legendaarista Honeyboy Edwardsia. "Nimi on enne", kirjoittaa Blues News -lehdessä Bluesministeri Esa Kuloniemi. "Andres Roots on yksi merkittävimmistä toimijoista lähialueillamme."
23.1.13 Shipyard Club/Nosturi, Helsinki + MOduo (EST)
24.1.13 Bar Mendocino, Helsinki
26.1.13 Diggari Klubi/Blackpool, Järvenpää + El Trio (LV)
"The funkiest thing to come out of Estonia since the invention of Skype."
- Rick Stuart, Roots & Fusion, Pure 107.8FM, UK
"Tampa Red with one foot in New Orleans and the other in Waikiki."
- Blues In Britain, UK
Devil Box album The Thing at the End will be released January 2012.

The album is available from
- 8raita Records Store, Turku
- iTunes Store
- Spotify
You can also pre-listen to Dial D for Devil at SoundCloud
Telenovelas Digital Singles Out Now!

Get them from iTunes Store or any other quality digital music shops.
MOON RISING - Single - Telenovelas (link will open iTunes Store)
ELECTRIC GHOSTS - Single - Telenovelas (link will open iTunes Store)
9.9.2011 we'll relese a CD version of the single with special space rocker t-shirt & Telenovelas shopping bag. Stay tuned.
Devil Box "Live at Kioski" CD-EP will be released 7.7.2011

Available at:
- 8raita Record Store, Turku
- Kioski, Turku
- Jeti Shop, Turku
and more to follow. Debut single from Telenovelas and full length albums from Devil Box and Push Button Music coming later.

Check out Devil Box @ SoundCloud or Facebook.
Push Button Music's album "By Numbers".
Available at:
- 8raita Record Store, Turku